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Practice Routine
Golf is enjoyable regardless of skill level but getting better is a big part of why we come back for more.
Practicing for improvement will make the sport even more fun and cause playing partners to recognize your progress. With the correct practice routines, you’ll play faster, have fewer mishits, and spend less time searching for golf balls

Practice is cheap. Rolling putts on a green and hitting chips and pitches is usually free. A large bucket of balls at a range is often less than $6. For very little financial investment, you can develop your game.
Create a goal and set out to accomplish it!
Video Index - Practice Routines
Own your perspective and make good habits
Time constraints and optimal length of practice – less is more as overpreparing is preparing to fail
Routines – preparation shouldn’t be whack-a-mole
Practice vs. warming up and warming down
Learn from the pros
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